
Forma Records is an online record label that focuses on deep electronic music. We are passionate about creating and promoting music that takes listeners on a journey through intricate soundscapes and rich sonic textures. Our label was founded with a mission to discover and showcase talented artists who share our love for the genre and the culture it represents.

At our core, we believe that music is a universal language that can connect people from all walks of life. That’s why we strive to curate a diverse selection of tracks that appeal to a wide range of listeners. Our releases encompass various subgenres of deep electronic music, from ambient and experimental to dub techno and minimal.

We are dedicated to providing a platform for emerging artists to share their work with a wider audience. We work closely with our roster of talented producers, providing them with the support and resources they need to grow their careers. We also collaborate with other labels, promoters, and music enthusiasts to create unique events and experiences that celebrate the culture of electronic music.

We invite you to explore our catalog of releases and discover the world of deep electronic music. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer to the genre, we hope that our label will inspire you to explore new sounds and connect with the global community of electronic music lovers.